Noname > 26-08-10, 08:31 PM
Function CalcWorkdays(StartDate, EndDate) As Integer
Dim LTotalDays As Integer
Dim LSaturdays As Integer
Dim LSundays As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
CalcWorkdays = 0
If IsDate(StartDate) And IsDate(EndDate) Then
If EndDate <= StartDate Then
CalcWorkdays = 0
LTotalDays = DateDiff("d", StartDate - 1, EndDate)
LSaturdays = DateDiff("ww", StartDate - 1, EndDate, 7)
LSundays = DateDiff("ww", StartDate - 1, EndDate, 1)
'Workdays is the elapsed days excluding Saturdays and Sundays
CalcWorkdays = LTotalDays - LSaturdays - LSundays
End If
End If
Exit Function
'If error occurs, return 0
CalcWorkdays = 0
End Function
CalcWorkdays = LTotalDays - LSaturdays - LSundays
CalcWorkdays = LTotalDays -LSundays
Noname > 23-09-10, 10:58 AM